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Aug. 30 2017
Knowing my cows means I know more than just their name, I know them.
Aug. 15 2017
“We need more farmers, not fewer.” That was one of the comments made two weeks ago at the Farm Bill Listening Session held by the United States House Agriculture Committee at Farm Fest in...
cows talking
Aug. 9 2017
Cows may not use words to communicate but they sure know how to get their point across; and if you listen, they will tell you how to improve your margins
Aug. 4 2017
Our office gets calls and emails throughout the year from people asking about showmanship rules and looking for resource material
July 24 2017
In recent years, the discussion on selling milk from cows marked as A2A2 positive has seemed to skyrocket
July 14 2017
To be successful, or profitable, raising heifers to first calving includes three areas of consideration – nutrition, health, and reproduction
June 30 2017
That was a familiar phase heard repeatedly on Wednesday as youth requested categories and points from the giant Dairy Jeopardy board
June 13 2017
Tomorrow, Little Farmer, our oldest son, “graduates” from kindergarten. We can officially say that we survived the first school year
June 9 2017
It’s June Dairy Month and it seems that those of us involved in the dairy industry are promoting milk and dairy products this season
Farm tour
June 7 2017
When a friend who works for Hoard’s called and asked me if I’d be willing to be one of their farmer bloggers, I physically had to cover my mouth so I didn’t excitedly scream ‘YES!!!’...
May 26 2017
Searching for a reflective topic, I decided to browse the Hoard’s Dairyman archives from late May and June from 20 years ago
May 22 2017
As the old pop song goes, “You’ve got to know when to hold 'em. Know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away and know when to run.”
May 9 2017
Two recent experiences with rules and regulations made me realize how much government guidelines need to adapt to changing farming practices
May 8 2017
World Dairy Expo lost one of its founding members this past weekend
May 4 2017
Having a good group of employees is one of the best blessings we have received here at Hillcrest Farms. Yes, we occasionally have the hard to fill position
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April 26 2017
Sometimes the reactions I get when I tell people how often I go home on the weekends while attending college full time are surprising
April 21 2017
Easter and Christmas are the two days when most churches are standing-room only. A person must arrive at church 30 minutes ahead of the start of mass to try to get a seat
State Fair_ER
March 6 2017
All winter we analyze our calves in anticipation for the next show season. Are they big enough? Are they good enough?
March 3 2017
In last week’s blog "Land rich but feeling dirt poor? You have more than you think," I gave an overview of the unfortunate outcomes that can happen when farmers do not have their estate planning
Feb. 10 2017
As a young person, people ask what you want to be when you grow up. I remember in the fourth grade that fellow students asked me that very question